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BSVR: Nature

APRIL 2023



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Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Nature Targets with Teeth

Science-based targets revolutionized business action on climate. They’re poised to do the same for nature. Leaders from three businesses in the vanguard of this dizzyingly complex—and critical—work talk about shaping the new standards.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Taking on Nature Loss at Scale

McDonald’s is one of the largest restaurant chains in the world, operating in over 100 countries. Chief Sustainability Officer Jenny McColloch discusses how a business of that scale is addressing biodiversity loss and the emerging global food crisis.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Rooted in the Soil

PepsiCo’s Chief Sustainability Officer and Executive Vice President Jim Andrew talks to Brunswick’s Brendan Riley and Lucy Parker about the company’s actions and commitments to regenerative agriculture.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Zebra Saving Rhino

Why is a bank on the frontlines of the fight to save the rhino from extinction? Brunswick’s Graeme Coetzee and Kevin Helliker report.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Cowboy Conservationist

America’s largest landowner tries to balance carbon, cattle and people. By Mark Robichaux.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Mark Schneider

In an excerpt from Jon Miller and Lucy Parker’s book The Activist Leader, the CEO of Nestlé explains why leading the transition to regenerative agriculture this decade is key to reaching net zero, and the long-term resilience of his company.

BSVR4_Elizabeth Maruma Mrema

Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Structuring Solutions

Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, one of the architects of the Global Biodiversity Framework, tells Brunswick we need a “whole-society approach” to reversing biodiversity loss.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Going Local for Real-World Impact

Ilona Szabó de Carvalho, President and co-founder of the Amazon-focused “think and do tank” the Igarapé Institute, is an authoritative voice on climate security and biodiversity.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Expectations of Youth

A leader of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network, Swetha Stotra Bhashyam says business around the world needs to listen to young people and respond.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

A Tale of Two COPs

A climate change COP in Egypt, a biodiversity COP in Montreal—confusing, yes? But their results work in tandem, pushing the world toward significant UN goals. Brunswick’s Phil Drew and Joseph Doyle explain.

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Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Natural Capital

Revaluing nature can create both positive environmental impact and financial returns, writes Schroders CEO Peter Harrison.


Geopolitical and Regulatory - 26 APRIL 2023

The Global Landscape

At the Paris Peace Forum, four experts discuss the challenges and expectations for business in confronting the world’s nature crisis, led by Brunswick’s Lucy Parker.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Higher Expectations

Brunswick CEO Neal Wolin was interviewed at the Paris Peace Forum by Pauliina Murphy, from the World Benchmarking Alliance.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Reimagining Food Systems

Brunswick’s Phil Drew and Tarini Kumar talk to Morgan Gillespy, Executive Director of the Food and Land Use Coalition at the World Resources Institute, about an end-to-end systemic transition.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

The Playbook

Jon Miller and Lucy Parker, co-authors and co-leads of Brunswick’s Business & Society practice, talk to Kevin Helliker about the new mindset of leadership.


Energy and Resources - 26 APRIL 2023

An Operating System for the Ocean

Running Tide Founder and CEO Marty Odlin speaks with Brunswick.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Self-Driving Boats Powered by AI & Clean Energy

Clearbot CEO Sidhant Gupta speaks with Brunswick.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Building “Digital Living Reefs” to Save Shorelines

Will Bateman, CEO of CCell, speaks with Brunswick’s Alex Burnett and Jack Stewart.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

An Antacid for the Ocean

Planetary Tech transforms mine waste into a carbon-removal tool. Peter Chargin, a Vice President at the company, speaks with Brunswick.


Energy and Resources - 26 APRIL 2023

Renewable Energy in Harmony with Nature

Ørsted is the world’s largest developer of offshore wind power. Ingrid Reumert is a Senior Vice President with the company. She talks about designing wind farms with nature in mind to Brunswick Partner Wolfgang Blau and Ignace Beguin Billecocq, Oceans lead at the UN Climate Change High Level Champions.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

New Solutions for the Oceans

At a time when so many stories about the oceans are dispiriting, Brunswick spoke with five companies, large and small, that inspire a sense of hope.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

The Business Path to Nature Positive

The New Nature Economy series, produced by the World Economic Forum, lays out the risks and opportunities for business. By Akanksha Khatri and Lucy Almond.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Health and Nature: A Critical Intersection

Not waiting for nature-positive standards, UK multinational GSK is taking action and a leadership role in the pharma and biotech sector. By Alastair Morton and Ellie Fallon.


Business and Society - 26 APRIL 2023

Business on the Frontline

The challenge is to reverse course, from causing nature loss to being “nature positive.” By Stacey Chow.


Energy and Resources - 24 APRIL 2023

Bird's Eye View

Satellite-based tracking of CO2 and methane emissions represent the dawn of a new era for business transparency, says Antoine Rostand, CEO of tracking platform Kayrros.


Business and Society - 24 APRIL 2023

No Net Zero without Nature

Preserving and restoring nature is a critical part of the climate solution. Brunswick asks two leaders of this effort to draw on their experience and highlight the role of business.


Business and Society - 23 APRIL 2023


An introduction to the fourth edition of the Brunswick Social Value Review from the Editors in Chief.


Business and Society - 23 APRIL 2023

Biodiversity Crisis

While climate is a well-established concern, mass extinction and ecosystem collapse loom equally large—and businesses are beginning to respond.