Geopolitical and Regulatory - 14 OCTOBER 2024
Deborah Majoras
The former Chair of the US Federal Trade Commission on the changing global landscape in antitrust, her experiences with activist investors at Procter & Gamble, and the personal values that helped lead to her success. By Brunswick's Stuart Hudson.

Geopolitical and Regulatory - 01 AUGUST 2023
The World's Courtroom
By one count, there are more than 260 arbitration institutes worldwide. None is more trusted or popular in the Asia-Pacific region than the Singapore International Arbitration Centre. Brunswick speaks with its CEO, Gloria Lim.

Geopolitical and Regulatory - 01 AUGUST 2023
Punching Above Its Weight
Tiny Singapore boasts an outsized presence and performance across a huge range of areas.

Leadership - 10 NOVEMBER 2022
Catching Up with Aedamar Comiskey
Linklaters’ first female Senior Partner loves leading a firm that embraces change. Brunswick’s Kim Fletcher reports.

Leadership - 15 NOVEMBER 2022
McKinsey's Unorthodox GC
On paper, Pierre Gentin is a legal All Star. In person, he’s a lot more. By Michael France and Kevin Helliker.

Litigation - 16 SEPTEMBER 2021
Georgia Dawson
Freshfields’ Senior Partner discusses her historic election, building a pipeline of diverse talent, and the importance of actually taking vacation days. By Joanna Donne.